Thursday, August 21, 2008

Various Artists - Neue Muster Volumes 1 & 2

Not going to say much about this one. Pretty monolithic grouping from Tonspur and the first of the Neu Muster series which goes up to at least 7-8.

Volume 1 - Side A
Volume 1 - Side B
Volume 2 - Side A
Volume 2 - Side B


433 RPM said...

will you post them all? i have 8+9, but not yet digitalized.


bingo said...

Sorry, these are all I have. I thought I had someone else' copy of 8&9 on the computer but they're eluding me.

bingo said...

Thanks, hopefully I can get a few more things up here soon.

tetsu-o said...

reupload, maybe?

bingo said...

yeah, maybe. check back soonish.